Saturday, April 12, 2008

1st Follow Up Visit

2 weeks down a few more to go!! April 10th was my first follow up visit with my Dr since having surgery. I had an xray done and everything seems to be in place. Unfortunately I am now in a hard cast. My Dr wants to make sure that my foot is totally immobilized, which is good for the healing process. The cast is uncomfortable but nothing I can't tolerate. I had my stiches removed, and I kid you not, when I say it was the worst pain I have ever endured. My hip feels fabulous, I am just sore but besides that I have no pain....thank you God! So I got the OK to go out an do things, but if I feel throbbing (which I will because of the swelling) I need to elevate my foot. So other then this being annoying, it really isn't so bad. I guess I have become use to being somewhat immobile. Luckily I my daughter to take my mind off of this, she does something new and amazing everyday, it really is so awesome! Tonight will be my first outting and I am so excited, nothing crazy just out to dinner but with my 2 favorite people, Chris and Jules!!


Anonymous said...

hi theresa,
I post a comment yesterday and given my email address kellybuicsuf@hotmail. I am going through the same thing as you plus having the pregnancy as well. I really would like to talk to you. Please contact me. Much love,

Anonymous said...

Kelly I have tried emailing you but it won;t go through

Nat said...

Hi Teresa,
I'm natalie - i had a Giant Cell Tumor diagnosed in may. - in my upper right arm. Long story (you can read more about it on my blog undre the tags - My Arm). I found your blog b/c I was researching Giant Cell Tumors and Pregnancy. I'm so sorry about everything you have been through, but thanks for sharing your story. I'm really struggling right now because in May when all this started happening was when we were about to start trying for baby #2, now we have to wait until 2010 - and I'm really down about it. the doctor said everyone doesn't listen, but I'm scared that what if i'm pregnant and the tumor does come back. we have pretty much decided to wait, but having someone to talk to that is going through the same things (or worse) would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Hey Friends

I need an advice . I love a guy a lot. He told me he has had GCT twice. I hate to ask him the specifics and after reading your blog, I can gauge the pain he has gone through. However, I am concerned about our future too. Can the problem recur after it has happened twice? If yes, what will happen? Is it life threatening or will he be able to walk?

I am going thru hell thinking about all this. I love him dearly, but it frightens me that if we get married and tomorrow he gets the thing again, what wl happen. Please advise me