Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

So today was my follow up visit with my Dr and unfortunately I have no good news. I had an xray done and he reviewed by CT Scan, my bone is what they call nonunion. He said the bottom of the bone seemed to have some cloudiness but definitly not enough. He is going to have to take more bone, but this time from my right hip (yay I can now have matching scars on each side) I will have to be non weightbearing again but he said not for long because he wants to get me walking to maybe stimulate bone growth. Once again there is a chance that this will not work and then I will need Vascularization Bone Graft, I didn't even ask him what that is but he did say it is traumatic and we are going from lease invasive to most invasive. For some reason I have a good feeling about this one.
I have had a lump growing on the bottom of my foot which he has said looked like Plantars Fibroma and we have been monitoring it. It has grown a bit since December so I need and MRI next week. He said it can be a Giant Cell Tumor, however, it is not characteristic of GCT. You know just something new for me to worry about. I am sure it is nothing but I am still nervous.
And now from not using my foot I have developed osteosporosis. I turned 30 and everything has went down hill. He wants me to start swimming so I joined the Polar Club and we will be heading down to the shore this weekend. Just kidding, I guess I can use the YMCA.
So thats my news. I have not scheduled the surgery yet. I am waiting for his people to call me to see what we can set up. We will be taking a family vacation in 2 weeks which is much deserved right now, and then when we get back the panic will set it. Actually I am pretty good. It is what it is. I am here and living, just some set backs, nothing I can't handle!!
Thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just A Small Update

So as most of you know I had my chest xray and CT Scan of my foot. I have not seen the Dr yet but I did receive my results. The chest xray came back fine, which is some good news since I was worried about that. However, the CT Scan shows no fusion of bone graft. I know I should wait until I see my Dr but no fusion means no fusion. I am guessing I will need this surgery once again, once again put my life on hold for several more months. When I found out my results over the weekend I was just sad and depressed now I am just mad! I can't begin to explain how frustrating this has been. I still have some hope left that maybe my Dr will see some fusion that the radiologist maybe missed. WISHFUL THINKING! I did find a few friends over the nternet who have this tumor. It is some what comforting knowing there are people who can relate to me and who have some info. But it seems that this is such a rare tumor and even more rare to get it in the first metatarsal. One of the girls I met online started a group of people with Giant Cell Tumor which is a really great thing. This is the link GCT Connect. So even though I am mad as hell and sad I am not giving up. I know one day my life will be back to normal. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger right?