Friday, August 14, 2009

2 Years Tumor Free

I have not updated my blog in quite some time. I am happy to say that I have been tumor free for 2 years. After the 2 year mark the chance of recurrence drops. Of course I am not immune to recurrence but knowing the chance has dropped makes me feel a sense of calm. I now have to see my bone oncologist every 6 months for the next 3 years. I had a chest xray done which they said they see something on front view but not the side view which they believe is just cartiledge, so I am okay with that!
I just have to say the week before each Dr appt I worry and stress. I feel like years come off my life everytime I drive into the city to see my Dr. I feel so anxious and worried as I hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Then I get the xray and wait for my Dr to come in and when he tells me everything looks good I just breath a sigh of relief.
My bone has not fused and probably never will but he said the metal has not shifted or loosened which is a good sign. In his exact words "So your foot is no better , no worse". Then his PA asked me if I was going to start a family now. She is new to Mt Sinai and didn't know we already have Julia but then that led me to ask my next question, "Is it okay to go ahead and try to get pregnant". My Dr said I just have to bite the bullet. While being tumor free for 2 years decreases my chance for recurrence, pregnancy on the other hand increases the chance but he said not by a great percentage. So it is something Chris and I need to sit down and discuss. While we would love to add to our family the thought of going through this again frightens us. And of course there is the economy and can we afford to bring another child into the world?